Pneumatology in African Perspectives [reviewing Ngaruiya, David K., and Rodney L. Reed, eds. The Holy Spirit in African Christianity]

Published 2024-04-01
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The editors, David K. Ngaruiya and Rodney L. Reed, are seasoned scholars and university lecturers. David K. Ngaruiya is an associate professor and former acting Deputy Chancellor for Academic Affairs at International Leadership University, Nairobi, Kenya. He holds a PhD in Intercultural Studiaes from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, USA. Rodney Reed is also an Associate Professor and Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs at Africa Nazarene University, Nairobi, Kenya. He holds a PhD in Theological ethics from Drew University, USA. They both have been published widely. The book is authored by ten contributors, all qualified scholars, including an article by David K. Ngaruiya himself. The authors have an international pedigree: Kwaku Boamah from Ghana; Heleen Joziasse from the Netherlands, who worked as a lecturer in Kenya; John Kiboi from Kenya; Jeffey Krohn from the USA, lecturing in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Stephanie Lowery from the USA lecturing in Kanya; Kelosi Molato from Botswana; Esther Mombo from Kenya; Moses Ogidis from Nigeria; Jacob Opata from Ghana; and Danson Wafula from Kenya.