About the Journal

ISSN 3006-1768 (print), 3007-1771 (online)

Focus and Scope
African Christian Theology is the academic journal of the Association for Christian Education in Africa (ACTEA). The mission of ACTEA is to strengthen theological education through accreditation, scholarship, and support services to serve the church and transform society.  The journal is one way in which ACTEA engages theological educators and church leaders in addressing relevant issues facing the church and society in Africa.   African Christian Theology serves the whole of Africa and provides a venue for conversations between different regions of Africa, as well as an organ through which African voices can address World Christianity at large.  Following in the footsteps of theologians such as Kwame Bediako, Byang Kato, Kä Mana, Lamin Sanneh, Andrew F. Walls, and Isaac Zokoué, the journal promotes World Christianity perspectives through deep engagement with African contextual realities.  Articles are published in one of three languages — English, French, or Portuguese; each article has a trilingual abstract in those languages.  The journal also publishes short “booknote” book reviews and longer critical book review essays.

The journal is unapologetically African, Christian, and theological.  Multidisciplinary, the journal’s scope includes:


Editorial Policy
The articles in African Christian Theology (ACT) reflect the opinions of the authors and reviewers and do not necessarily represent those of the Editors, the Editorial Board members, or of ACTEA.

All submissions are subject to double-blind peer review.  Unsolicited submissions are welcome, though not guaranteed of publication in the journal.  Manuscripts and reviews may be sent to submissions@AfricanChristianTheology.org or submitted online on the submissions page.

 Queries and other communications may be addressed to the managing editors at Editors@AfricanChristianTheology.org  

For full details see the Editorial Policy page.


About the Publisher
ACTEA was founded in 1976 by the Theological and Christian Education Commission of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA).  Under its continued sponsorship, ACTEA operates with internal autonomy in the accreditation of programmes of theological education throughout Africa, in order to stimulate the improvement and standardization of such programmes, and in order to secure academic recognition for such programmes wherever possible, especially among the constituencies of these institutions in Africa and among similar institutions and their constituencies overseas. ACTEA is a founding and constituent member of the International Council for Evangelical Theological Education (ICETE). ACTEA maintains offices in Nairobi and Kinshasa and can be found online at
acteaweb.orgFor further information on any aspect of ACTEA, please email the Executive Administrator at admin@acteaweb.org and copy the Executive Director at director@acteaweb.org.

The colours of ACTEA’s logo are blue, red, and gold.  Blue signifies royalty and speaks to ACTEA’s efforts in raising a royal priesthood of God’s servants throughout Africa. Red is the colour of blood and symbolises the redemptive act of Christ on the cross. Gold represents the preciousness of God’s Word and the work which God’s people do. Gold also reflects ACTEA’s mission of prophetic proclamation of glorious hope in Christ, to African peoples first and then to the world, through theological education.


About the design of the journal cover
The building silhouettes are of the Basilica of Our Lady of Peace in Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire, the largest church building in the world, the Kenyatta International Convention Centre in Nairobi, Kenya, and Nigeria’s National Theatre in Lagos. The symbols, including the acacia tree and the Ethiopian cross, represent the journal’s commitment to all regions of Africa, urban and rural, anglophone, francophone, and lusophone (as well as arabophone), and to all African Christian traditions — Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Pentecostal, and AICs. The cross in the center of Africa, designed from a photograph of an Ethiopian cross displayed in the home of one of our managing editors, conveys both the journal’s central evangelical commitment and its commitment to Africanity.  Cover art designed by the journal editors and ACTEA staff and created by Wexer Creative, Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya. © 2024 by ACTEA.

(AICs refers to African Indigenous Churches, African Initiated Churches, and/or African Independent Churches.)