Editorial Policy

The articles and reviews in African Christian Theology (ACT) reflect the opinions of the authors and reviewers and do not necessarily represent those of the Editors or of the publisher (ACTEA).

All submissions are subject to double-blind peer review by at least two reviewers.  Unsolicited submissions are welcome, though not guaranteed of publication in the journal.  Abstracts should be between 100–150 words.  Articles should be between 5,000–6,000 words, inclusive of footnotes but exclusive of bibliography and abstract.  The editors reserve the right to publish articles outside of that range.  The editors reserve full rights to accept or reject submissions.

The journal abides by the standard ethical practices outlined by  COPE's Core Practice guidance and COPE's guidance.

Manuscripts and reviews may be sent to submissions@AfricanChristianTheology.org.  Queries and other communications may be addressed to the managing editors at Editors@AfricanChristianTheology.org.  Please allow for two weeks for an initial response.  If the submission goes to peer review, allow for 3–5 months for a final response.  The journal publishes two issues a year.

Articles and book reviews are published in open access under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licence.  Authors retain copyright of their work published in the journal but grant first publication rights to the journal; ACT retains publication rights for nine months after publication before authors can republish or reprint their material elsewhere.  Articles are free to use with proper attribution and licensing.