Vol. 1 N.º 1 (2024): African Christian Theology

African Theological Education: Retrospect and Prospect — A Francophone Perspective

Yacouba SANON
Université de l’Alliance Chrétienne d’Abidjan (UACA), Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Publicado 2024-03-31


  • Theological Education,
  • Non-formal and Formal Theological Education,
  • Francophone Africa,
  • Missions,
  • Missionaries

Como Citar

African Theological Education: Retrospect and Prospect — A Francophone Perspective. (2024). Teologia Cristã Africana, 1(1), 45–65. https://doi.org/10.69683/dx8x7r76


Christian Theological Education in Francophone Africa began with the arrival of Western missionaries over 100 years ago. From a non-formal format, it developed throughout the years to reach university level. This presentation examines the stages of this development of Theological Education and addresses some of the challenges facing Theological Education in Francophone Africa. It is the belief of the writer of this paper Theological Education plays an essential part in the strengthening of Christianity in this region and its future lies not in the proliferation of theological institutions but in the join efforts of all the actors to empower the church in Francophone Africa.