Vol. 1 N.º 1 (2024): African Christian Theology

From ‘Devil’s Baby’ to Ambassador for Christ:The Evangelical Legacy of Byang H. Kato

Association of Evangelicals in Africa

Publicado 2024-03-31 — Atualizado em 2024-03-31



  • Byang Kato,
  • African identity,
  • Biblical Christianity,
  • Christian African,
  • AAfrican Evangelicalism,
  • Syncretistic universalism
  • ...Mais

Como Citar

From ‘Devil’s Baby’ to Ambassador for Christ:The Evangelical Legacy of Byang H. Kato. (2024). Teologia Cristã Africana, 1(1), 81–99. https://doi.org/10.69683/mnffcq06


This article outlines Byang Kato’s legacy, especially his contribution to evangelical theology in sub-Saharan Africa. Kato was raised in African traditional religion, dedicated as a fetish priest at birth. He converted to the Christian faith at age twelve, rising to become a world class evangelical scholar before his tragic death. Kato contended for biblical orthodoxy. Kato warned about syncretistic universalism and endeavored to provide a remedy through sound theological education in Africa. Kato also joined the African identity debate, advocating for a ‘third race’ identity. Kato’s warning is a call for constant vigilance, and his prophetic voice deserves attention. In an era when Africa has become the heartland of Christianity, one pitfall is for the fastest growing church to become the fastest declining church, in terms of biblical fidelity. An authentic paradigmatic Christian expression is required. The church must contend with non-Christian worldviews. Kato’s hermeneutics has much to contribute to today’s Christianity.