Vol. 1 N.º 1 (2024): African Christian Theology
Editorial essay

In memory of those who went before, in honor of those who follow behind:  Introducing African Christian Theology.

Publicado 2024-03-31

Como Citar

In memory of those who went before, in honor of those who follow behind:  Introducing African Christian Theology. (2024). Teologia Cristã Africana, 1(1), 1–5. https://doi.org/10.69683/4yys6m08


Describing the shift of World Christianity from the Global North to the Global South, Mark Noll posited that “as much as the new shape of Christianity in the world affects general world history, much more does it influence matters of Christian belief and practice.”1 Given global Christianity’s shift to the South, Christian beliefs and practices in recent decades have not been driven by Western Christian theology. Nearly thirty years ago, western scholars recognized that the majority of Christians on the face of the earth are found in Africa, Asia, and Latin America — and that “the proportion . . . grows annually.”2 Therefore, in retrospect and prospect, global Christianity is increasingly envisioned to be highly influenced by non-Western Christian theologies. For example, diaspora missiologists are consistently reminding us that the global church is thriving because of the movement of Africans across the world.3 Africans migrating to North America and Europe are planting churches in areas where traditional Christianity has been declining.